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Interview Nerves?

Conquering the Interview Beast Taming Your Nerves and Landing Your Dream Job Nerves. They’re the uninvited guest at every interview, fluttering wings of anxiety that can blur your vision and turn your voice into a shaky whisper. While a healthy dose of nervousness can keep you on your toes, debilitating fear can sabotage your performance…

STAR Interview Method: Acing Behavioural Interviews

Mastering the STAR Interview Method With a career spanning over two decades in guiding candidates through critical job interviews, I’ve gained insights into the questions that instil the most anxiety. These are the behavioural competency-based questions that often start with phrases like “describe a…” or “give me an example of…” They tend to surface just…

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How to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview In today’s competitive job market, landing a job interview is a significant achievement. However, the real challenge lies in preparing for it effectively to leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. A well-prepared candidate not only demonstrates their qualifications but also their enthusiasm and suitability for…

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 Program Management Career Guide

A Comprehensive Career Guide for Aspiring Program Managers Are you an aspiring program manager looking to advance your career in program management? Whether you’re aiming for new opportunities, seeking professional growth, or exploring different avenues within the field, strategic planning is essential for achieving your career goals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through…

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Career Coaching Versus Mentoring

Coaching Versus Mentoring Understanding the Crucial Differences for Personal and Professional Growth In the realm of personal and professional development, coaching and mentoring are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct methodologies that offer unique approaches and outcomes. Understanding the differences between career coaching versus mentoring is pivotal for individuals seeking guidance, support, and growth…

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Write Your Best CV: Pro Tips

HOW TO WRITE A GREAT CV WRITE IT YOURSELF UNLEASHING YOUR POTENTIAL WITH TOP CV WRITING TIPS Crafting a compelling CV becomes a breeze with our expert guidance on CV Writing Tips. Your CV (curriculum vitae) is your golden ticket to opportunities and the initial impression employers have of your professional journey. Writing your own…

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What is Career Coaching?

Unleash Your Career Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Career Coaching Feeling lost in the maze of your career? You’re not alone. Millions face similar uncertainties, grappling with questions like: “Am I in the right role?”, “What truly motivates me?”, and “How do I reach my career goals?”. Enter the career coach, your trusty guide on…

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Career coaching and career counselling

What is the difference between career coaching and career counselling ? Career coaching and career counselling are two different approaches to helping individuals navigate their career paths. Career coaching is a process that focuses on guiding and supporting individuals in identifying their strengths, developing their skills, and setting goals that align with their career aspirations.…

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How to Land Your First Job in Banking

How to Land Your First Job in Banking The world of banking offers a dynamic and rewarding career path for individuals passionate about finance, economics, and the intricacies of managing money. Landing your first job in this competitive industry requires a blend of knowledge, strategic planning, and a proactive approach. Whether you’re a recent graduate…

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Retirement Redefined

Retirement Redefined: How a Career Coach Can Support Your Transition into a New Chapter Embracing Retirement as a Transition Retirement no longer signifies a complete cessation of work. Instead, it marks a pivotal moment—a transition into a new phase where opportunities for personal growth, exploration, and redefined purpose abound. In this evolving landscape, career coaches…